Selenium Using Python Interview Questions

    1. What is Selenium WebDriver?
    2. Is Selenium Web Driver Automation Tool?
    3. What kind of application best suited for Selenium and why it should be selected?
    4. Why Python is interpreted?
    5. What are different locators supported in selenium?
    6. How Can we launch Different browsers using python?
    7. How Synchronization works in Selenium?
    8. What is Implicit Wait?
    9. What is explicit Wait?
    10. How can enter the values in textbox using python?
    11. How can we check if control enabled or not?
    12. How can we get text of a web element?
    13. Is there any other way of retrieving text of web element?
    14. What are the different ways of selecting the values in dropdown?
    15. What are the different Navigation commands in selenium?
    16. What is the difference b/w findelement and findelements
    17. Can selenium handle the windows pop up?
    18. Can selenium handle WebBased Pop Up?
    19. How can we capture screenshots in selenium?
    20. What is switch Class in selenium?
    21. What Action class in selenium?
    22. How can we perform drag drop in selenium?
    23. How can mouse hover on a control in selenium?
    24. Can we move the mouse control to specific coordinate in selenium?
    25. Write a method to read data from web table for specific row and column index using selenium?
    26. What are the Python unitTest default methods?
    27. Can Image or Captcha be automated using selenium?
    28. How will install selenium in python?
    29. What is the difference between list and tuple?
    30. What is pass in python?
    31. How can we convert string to int in python?
    32. How will you handle exception in python?
    33. What are the different data types in python?
    34. What is MRO in python?
    35. How will identify when web element doesn't have any of the unique locator?
    36. What is the difference between link text and partial link text?
    37. How to execute javascript in selenium with python?
    38. What are the different way entering value TextBox?
    39. What is the use of Xpath?
    40. What is difference between single and double slash in xpath?
    41. What are the different exception in selenium?
    42. How will perform double click on web element?
    43. What is difference between getwindowHandle() and getwindowHandles()?
    44. How will you handle multiple windows in selenium?
    45. How will you verify if you have switched between the correct window?
    46. What is framework?
    47. How to login into any site if it is showing authentication pop up for username and password?
    48. How to fetch the current URL in selenium?
    49. How do we convert a number into a string?
    50. What are Python decorators?
    51. What are the tools that help to find bugs or perform static analysis?
    52. Does python support Multiple inheritance?
    53. Which of the following functions does return a list of elements
    54. Which of the following is not a valid webdriver class?
    55. How to find the length of the list?
    56. What is namespace in Python?
    57. What Is Python? What Are The Benefits Of Using Python?
    58. How Python Can Be Used In Software Testing?
    59. What Python Frameworks Do You Know?
    60. What Tools That Helps Python Development Do You Know?
    61. The Following Is Displayed By A Print Function Call: Yesterday Today Tomorrow Please Write An Example Of A Print Function?
    62. The Following Is Displayed By A Print Function Call?
    63. Please Write An Example Of A Print Function?
    64. What Does The Expression Len(”) Evaluate To?
    65. Considering The Following Code: S = ‘catandapple’ Write An Expression That Evaluate To ‘apple’?
    66. Write An Expression That Evaluate To True?
    67. What Are “tuples”?
    68. What Are The Rules For Legal Python Names?
    69. Which Command Do You Use To Exit Help Window Or Help Command Prompt?
    70. Does The Functions Help() And Dir() List The Names Of All The Built_in Functions And Variables? If No, How Would You List Them?
    71. Explain How Python Does Compile-time And Run-time Code Checking?
    72. What Is A “unittest” In Python?
    73. Define “slicing”?
    74. What Are Generators In Python?
    75. Define “docstring”?
    76. How Do You Copy An Object In Python?
    77. What Is A “negative Index”?
    78. How Do You Convert A Number Into A String?
    79. What Is The Difference Between “xrange” And “range”?
    80. Define “module” And “package”?
    81. What Is Pep 8?
    82. What Is Pickling And Unpickling?
    83. How Python Is Interpreted?
    84. How Memory Is Managed In Python?
    85. Please explain the various Selenium components.
    86. Could you please state the limitations of Selenium?
    87. What are the different types of locators in Selenium?
    88. Can you explain the difference between assert and verify commands in Selenium?
    89. What do you understand by XPath in Selenium? Can you tell the difference between “/” and “//” in XPath?
    90. How will you launch the browser using WebDriver?
    91. Please explain how to find if an element is displayed on the screen?
    92. What do you mean by Same Origin Policy? How to handle it?
    93. Do you know how to get a text of a web element using Selenium?
    94. Please enumerate the various types of Drivers and Waits available in WebDriver?
    95. What do you understand by Object Repository? How do you create one in Selenium?
    96. Please explain how to click on a hyperlink using its text?
    97. What is the most important difference between driver.close() and driver.quit() commands in Selenium?
    98. How will you find more than one web element in the list using Selenium?
    99. How will you handle web-based pop-ups in Selenium?
    100. Can you explain the various types of navigation commands supported by Selenium?
    101. When should we use findElement() and findElements()?
    102. What is JUnit? Explain the various JUnit annotations?
    103. Please explain the various types of Test Automation Frameworks?
    104. Can Python be used for web client and web server side programming? And which one is best suited to Python?
    105. Mention at least 3-4 benefits of using Python over the other scripting languages such as Javascript?
    106. Explain List, Tuple, Set, and Dictionary and provide at least one instance where each of these collection types can be used?
    107. Does Python allow you to program in a structured style?
    108. What is PIP software in the Python world?
    109. What should be the typical build environment for Python based application development?
    110. What tools can be used to unit test your Python code?
    111. How does For loop and While loop differ in Python and when do you choose to use them?
    112. What are data types defined in Python and how much bytes do integer and decimal data types hold?
    113. How do you make use of Arrays in Python?
    114. How do you implement JSON given that Python is best suited for the server-side application?
    115. What is the best way to parse strings and find patterns in Python?
    116. Which databases are supported by Python?
    117. What is the purpose of _init_() function in Python?
    118. What is the significance of ‘self' parameter in an object method? Should we always name this parameter as ‘self'?
    119. How does Lambda function differ from a normal function in Python?
    120. How is Exception Handling done in Python?
    121. What is the starting point of Python code execution?
    122. Name some of the important modules that are available in Python?
    123. Which module(s) of Python can be used to measure the performance of your application code?
    124. How do you launch sub-processes within the main process of a Python application?
    125. As Python is more suitable for the server-side application, it is very important to have threading implemented in your server code. How can you achieve that in Python?
    126. Do we need to call the explicit methods to destroy the memory allocated in Python?
    127. Does the same Python code work on multiple platforms without any changes?
    128. How can you create a GUI based application in Python for client-side functionality?
    129. What are the different environment variables identified by Python?
    130. What is Python Tuples and how is it different from Lists?
    131. What does ‘#’ symbol do in Python?
    132. What does stringVar.strip() does?
    133. What is pass in Python?
    134. What are membership operators in Python? Write an example to explain both?
    135. What are generators in Python?
    136. What is the output of print str[4: ] if str = ‘ Python Language’?
    137. Write the command to get all keys from the dictionary?
    138. Write a command to convert a string into an int in python?
    139. What are a help () and dir() in python?
    140. What does the term ‘Monkey Patching’ refers to in Python?
    141. What do you mean by ‘suites’ in Python?
    142. What is range () in Python? Give an example to explain it?
    143. What is the difference between abs () and fabs ()?
    144. What is pickling and unpickling?
    145. What is a from import statement and write the syntax for it?
    146. What is the difference between locals() and globals ()?
    147. What is the use of Assertions in Python?
    148. What is the difference between ‘match’ and ‘search’ in Python?
    149. What is the difference between a shallow copy and deep copy?
    150. Which statement is used in Python if the statement is required syntactically but no action is required for the program?
    151. What does PEP8 refer to?
    152. What are *args and *kwargs?
    153. What is the current version of Python?
    154. Why Do We Need Waits In Selenium?